Data GOVERNANCE and LITERACYData governance and literacy are two of the most active discussion topics at HDAA. The SIG hosts an online presentation or panel discussion each quarter and meets in roundtable form at our annual conferences. Valerie Smothers and Valerie Strobel co-lead the group Data Governance Advisory Team
Upcoming events TBD Recently completed events February 2025: Epic Analytics Catalog: A Governance Asset December 2024: Erin McGeachie and Jason Chiu compared approaches to data governance at The Ottawa Hospital and University Health Network. October 2024: Valerie Strobel of Mayo Clinic discussed ways to measure the effectiveness and adoption of data literacy. September 2024: The Data Governance and Data Literacy group conducted multiple roundtable discussions at the HDAA 2024 annual conference, in Chapel Hill, N.C. August 2024: Dan Ryan at Beth Israel Lahey Health reviewed BILH's implementation of the open-source data catalog tool Atlas. April 20: Brent Dukes of Oregon Health & Science University will continue his discussion of OHSU's data governance evolution, a follow-up to his presentation from April 2022. Dan Ryan of Riverside Healthcare spoke in July on One Catalog to Rule Them All: A Data Governance Journey. Click here for the full archive of data governance recordings. The archive is available only to HDAA members. Want to join the conversation? Post a question on the data governance forum. Accessible only by HDAA members For more information, or to volunteer for the advisory team, contact the SIG Chair from the contacts list or contact The Program Director HDAA Programs