September 16-19, 2024 

Healthcare Data & Analytics Association Annual Conference
Hosted by UNC Health
Friday Conference Center, Chapel Hill, NC

Recordings available

Recordings and slide decks from HDAA 2024 are now available to conference attendees. If you registered for the conference, click here to access. You'll be asked to supply the first name, last name, and email address you used to register. An access code will then be sent to your mobile and/or email inbox.

From there:

  • Click the Schedule / All Sessions menu to scroll through the agenda
  • Find  the session you want to review and click "Watch recording"
  • To access a PDF version of the slides, click the session name, then click the Resources icon to the right.

Note: Recordings from Tuesday sessions in the Dogwood Room are unavailable – technical issues prevented video capture. Slide decks are available for these sessions. We apologize for the inconvenience. We also did not record the roundtable sessions.

If you did not register for the conference but would like to view the material, please email [email protected].  If there's enough interest, we will set up a post-conference registration process. There will be a $500 charge for each non-attendee.

Continue reading to review conference highlights. You can also check out LinkedIn for pictures and comments posted from our account and from the many attendees who felt moved to share their experiences. 

A great week in Chapel Hill!

Inspiring keynote speeches, thought-provoking panel and roundtable discussions, outstanding presentations and posters throughout the three days of HDAA 2024. It was simply a marvelous week for healthcare analytics. We are forever grateful to our UNC Health hosts, led by Allyson Russell, Reema Battacharya, Rufina Gilberto and Dustin Denton, ably supported by UNC leaders Rachini Moosavi and Greg Kuhnen. Thank you!

 Allyson, Reema, Rufina and Dustin - UNC Health's fantastic support team
                           Allyson, Reema, Rufina and Dustin - UNC Health's fantastic support team

More than 350 people attended the proceedings at UNC Health's wonderful Friday Conference Center. More than 220 (222, to be precise) were first-time attendees. It's an impossible task to acknowledge everyone's outstanding contribution to HDAA 2024, so consider this a somewhat representative and highly subjective sample of our two keynotes, one keynote panel, three additional panel discussions, three dozen presentations, twenty posters, and a dozen roundtables. In all, 131 members, sponsors and guests contributed meaningfully to our agenda. 

Ed Marx kicked off our general session with an inspirational talk of his journey both as a healthcare executive and a patient. HIs message: empathetic leadership is critical to every healthcare organization in the world.

                                                                  Keynote speaker Ed Mark

New this year was an executive summit, which kicked off Monday and ran through Tuesday morning. Rachini and Greg moderated the sessions. In attendance were 25 healthcare analytics leaders from across the country. Greg led a post-summit panel discussion for the full conference.

Executive summit, day 1 Light-hearted moment during the summit de-brief
              Day one of the executive summit                                  Light-hearted moment during the summit de-brief                                  

Panel discussions are always a popular session at our conferences. This year was no different, with conversations about responsible AI in healthcare, nurturing a pipeline of talent, and transforming how we work. Panels were moderated by Kevin Mooney, Dan McGurrin and Greg Kuhnen, respectively.

Susannah Rose and Nicoleta Economou discuss responsible AIDan McGurrin, Stan Ahalt, Natalia Summerville, Sambit Bhattacharya, Fayetteville State University: talent pipelines
     Responsible AI: Susannah Rose and Nicoleta Economou                Talent pipeline:Dan McGurrin, Stan Ahalt, 
                                                                                                                Natalia Summerville, Sambit Bhattacharya

                          Greg Kuhnen leads Transforming Work panel: Carl Seashore, Thom Fife, Michael Pencina and Phaedra Boinodiris 
                                                               Greg Kuhnen moderates Transforming Work:
                                              Panelists: Carl Seashore, Thom Fife, Michael Pencina and Phaedra Boinodiris

Presentations, posters, roundtables

Again, it's impossible to do justice to the breadth and depth of our breakout sessions, posters and roundtables. Generative AI was a recurring theme at in Chapel Hill last week, to no one's surprise, but there was also data governance and literacy; the importance of empathetic listening; managing staff in a post-pandemic world; the value of synthetic data; and as always myriad examples of analytics work improving patient outcomes.

Michael CorneliusElijah Boliver
                            Michael Cornelius                                                                          Elijah Boliver

Erin McGeachieMichal Persell
                              Erin McGeachie                                                                              Micah Persell

Ishwarya BalasubramanianRyan Love
                     Ishwarya Balasubramanian                                                                  Ryan Love

 Dan Schneider moderating the Advanced Analytics roundtableA full house for the Women in Analytics roundtable, led by Hetal Rupani
      Dan Schneider leads Advanced Analytics roundtable                  Full house at Women in Analytics roundtable

                  Population Health Roundtable, Eric Anderson moderator
                                                                            Population Health roundtable

Last but by no means least, a drive-by review of the fun we managed to squeeze in during our stay at Chapel Hill:

Emory Healthcare contingent enjoying Monday's meet-and-greet receptionA winner from our Wednesday night raffle
 Emory represents at Monday's meet-and-greet reception                      A winner from our Wednesday night raffle

HDAA and UNC showing their serious sidesPre-raffle deliberations
         HDAA and UNC showing their serious sides                                           Pre-raffle deliberations

Thank you, sponsors

We were thrilled again this year by the wonderful support of our conference sponsors. Sponsor revenue allows us to keep registration costs low and to fund HDAA's operations throughout the year. More importantly, we carefully select those sponsors who are committed to our mission of improving patient outcomes through thoughtful analytics.

Platinum sponsors

  • CDW Healthcare - CDW Healthcare co-presented with Stanford Medicine: The AI Prescription: Governance and Quality for Smarter Healthcare Data and provided a poster: Catalyzing Healthcare Data Governance with Generative AI.
  • Health Catalyst - Health Catalyst co-presented with the American Hospital Association: Executive Insights: Data-Driven Leadership, Culture, and the Path to Continuous Improvement, and provided a poster:: AI-Driven Insights at Scale – A Case Study.
  • PwC - PwC moderated a roundtable on Wednesday: AI / Gen AI: What’s working and what’s not?
  • Snowflake - Snowflake moderated a roundtable on Tuesday: Clearing the Runway for Insights: Navigating the Uncharted Territory of Unstructured Data and provided a poster: Snowflake is also providing a poster: Consolidating Reports and Dashboards with GenAI.

Gold sponsors

Silver sponsors

HDAA 2024 Volunteer of the Year

Congratulations to Elissa Malcolm of Dartmouth Health, this year's recipient of the Susan McFarland Volunteer of the Year award.

Elissa has been a willing volunteer at HDAA since she joined in 2017. She presented a poster on peer-review quality control at HDAA 2018 in Seattle. But it was really the pandemic era when Elissa made her presence felt. She participated in three different COVID town halls in 2020 and 2021 on regulatory reporting, vaccine analytics, and sharing data with the public.

In 2022, she served on two panels in our HDAA Insights series, which aims to attract the next generation of healthcare data analysts. And oh by the way, she's an active participant in our Data Governance SIG, served on the presentation review committee for HDAA 2024, and is a charter member of the Community Advisory Council.

Thank you, Elissa, for all you've done for the HDAA community.

Post-conference survey

Ninety-eight attendees completed our post-conference survey, a remarkable response rate of nearly 28%. We asked the standard net promoter question – "On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being definitely recommend, how likely are you to recommend a HDAA conference to your colleagues?" HDAA 2024's net promoter score... 9.5!

We are analyzing the survey and will post complete results soon.

In the meantime, some of our favorite comments:

I was really impressed with the conference this year. The last one I attended was in Miami and I could really see the growth of this organization. I truly appreciate that this is vendor agnostic and many organizations are doing presentations and sharing work they are doing - it is very valuable! Great networking and sharing.
Love the attention to detail at the venue such as the table skirting for panel and presentations with stage fronts and lower audiences.
Thank you again for such a wonderful and enriching experience! HDAA is a great reminder of why we do what we do, and I am so grateful for the opportunity to share the incredible work our team has done and learn from the great minds brought together at the conference.
Practical conference with valuable insights and connections.
Amazing job!!!! The raffle and app events were great ways to engage and participate.
This was my second in-person HDAA conference (also attended a couple virtually previously) and I've always found the content to be relevant, engaging, and even inspiring. I plan to continue following HDAA and participating in events as able, and have encouraged colleagues several times to check out the organization.
Wonderful event hosted by UNC Health; already looking fwd to next year in TN!

Why attend a HDAA conference?

HDAA's annual conference features your colleagues addressing the real-world problems of healthcare analytics and sharing real-world solutions. We draw speakers from around the country and beyond, all of them involved in the practice of our profession.

In addition to formal presentations, posters, and keynote addresses, you'll have opportunities to chat with your peers in topic-specific roundtables, social events, and – sometimes the most fruitful avenue of all – informal conversations in the hallway or at the lunch table.